Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Autumn's Definitely Here

If Max stands still enough he blends in with
the autumn colours!
Well I can't sleep tonight so I thought I'd write a bit on my blog.  Yesterday was a real autumn day, cool, the trees not yet stripped bare, but the wind whisking up the leaves that have fallen and twirling them in the air, the orange/brown/red/russet tones of the season all around.  I used to hate this time of year when things were dying, preparing for the long sleep of winter, but now I don't really mind it, the colours are beautiful and the cool air bracing and I enjoyed being out with the dogs.

I met my friend Christine for lunch in town and, as always, we had a good natter, putting the world to rights.  Tonight I am going out for a Greek meal with two friends I used to work with, time to catch up on all the gossip!  We meet roughly once a month for a meal and each time when I've listened to what they have to say and see how stressed they are I breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not doing that kind of job anymore. And things will only get worse when the government announces all the cuts to the country's budget later this week.

I'm counting down the days until Debbi and I go to Dublin for New Year, 72 to go!  It'll be great to go back, I'm missing the city having only been there for three days earlier in the year. All I can say is roll on!

It's nearly 3am so I suppose I'd better try to get some sleep!  Night night.


  1. Not long until we're sampling the fare at The Bridge! Hope they keep the Eton Mess for New Year! :)

  2. Well no Eton Mess for us then....
