Friday, 28 January 2011

- 4lbs

I've been battling with my weight pretty much all my adult life, but once I reached middle age the pounds really piled on.  I've started numerous diets etc, sometimes did ok, but then put the weight I'd lost back on over the next few months.  Then, just before Christmas, I found out I had slightly raised Cholesterol and blood pressure.  My GP said she could put me on medication to reduce the blood pressure but that it probably would come down anyway if I lost some weight.  So I agreed with her rather than go onto medication I would try to lose a significant amount of weight over the next four months and see if that helps reduce my blood pressure.  I've never had such a good reason to lose weight before and am determined to do it.  I thought I would be open and  post my losses on my blog, so this is my first post - 4lbs and counting!


  1. Well done Sue. If I can do it so can you! It helps when you have a positive reason for doing so. Dawn

  2. Thanks Dawn, you've done so well, you're a good role model for me!

  3. I am proud of you Sue! Being open on your blog is very courageous and an indication that you will succeed. Good luck and you have all my support. Xxx

  4. Thanks Deb, I appreciate your support :)

  5. Good luck and thumbs up from Chris & me too! :-)
